March 20, 2019
Commercial businesses use energy a lot like homes, consuming electricity to power heating and cooling, electronics, lighting and appliances. Already consuming 41% of the power generated in the United States—according to 2014 stats from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine—the commercial sector is set to consume 13% more in the next two decades.
Around the world it will expand a colossal 44%, burdening the earth’s natural resources. How is your business doing in the efforts to hinder the flow and not carelessly contributing to the world’s ‘carbon footprint’ dilemma?
Is Your Commercial HVAC an Energy Drain?
Commercial HVAC service in Chicago, Wisconsin and Indiana leads to many questions from clients about the ‘normalcy’ of how they’re using energy and strategies to decrease energy consumption.
Although the energy used in the commercial sector will vary industry by industry, it doesn’t matter if your business is a medical, hotel, office, sports, retail, religious, educational or governmental establishment, the greatest energy usage in the commercial division is heating and cooling by far—totaling to over half of monthly and yearly energy expenses. Almost all of this power is afforded by electricity (53%) and natural gas (39%), which takes care of 92% of the energy demands for U.S. businesses.
Ways to Reduce Energy Costs & Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Has it been a while since you last scheduled a commercial heating and air conditioning maintenance or repair? Your HVAC demands could be costing the environment and your business even more than the statistics indicate. As you’re upgrading your facilities or appliances, remember the following:
Energy Star will not only label energy-efficient products—but energy-efficient buildings as well. How does yours hold up?
This is the most renown green building grading system around the world.
Is your business looking for fresh ways to reduce your carbon footprint and lower your overall energy expenses? Schedule commercial HVAC service and repair and find out more about your commercial HVAC energy usage from the trade experts at VP Mechanical today.